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SEB Shares & Share price

Read more about SEB's shares, largest shareholders, information about dividends, consensus estimates and repurchase of own shares.

Investment calculator

Largest shareholders

A list of the 20 largest shareholders, the geographical distribution and a distribution by size of the shareholder base, as well as an archive of historical ownership.

Share repurchases

SEB may repurchase own shares for capital management purposes and long-term incentive programmes for employees. Find more information about share repurchases. 

Contact us at SEB Investor Relations

Visiting address: SEB, Kungsträdgårdsgatan 8, Stockholm, Sweden
Switchboard: 0771-62 10 00, from abroad +46 771 62 10 00

Investor Relations contact page


Pawel Wyszynski, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 462 21 11
Philippa Allard, Senior Debt Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 618 83 35
Per Andersson, Senior Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 667 74 81
Mikael Anttila, Senior Debt Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 580 26 18
Amelie Blecher, Head of Debt Investor Relations, +46 70 462 21 96
Paula Dennholt, Senior Sustainability Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 763 94 68
Malin Lundin, Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 763 50 50
Malin Schenkenberg, Senior Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 763 95 31

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