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Debt investors

SEB benefits from a strong liquidity position and a diversified and stable funding base of deposits from customers and long-term and short-term funding in the financial markets.

Our liquidity and funding strategy is managed from three perspectives:

  • Optimising the liquidity structure of the balance sheet to ensure that less liquid assets are matched with stable funding.
  • Monitoring wholesale funding dependence and diversification of the deposit base.
  • Ensuring that the bank has sufficient liquidity reserves to withstand a severely stressed scenario.

Credit ratings

SEB is rated by Fitch, Moody’s and S&P Global. Moody’s also rates SEB’s covered bonds.

Interim reports

Access Interim reports, fact books, fact book figures, result presentations, audio webcasts and telephone conferences as well as investor presentations for each quarter.

Debt transactions

Here you can find information about SEB's outstanding debt instruments.

Funding programmes

SEB's funding programmes include a GMTN programme for covered bonds, senior debt and subordinated debt and a SEK MTN programme SEK covered bonds.

Covered bonds

As part of its wholesale funding, SEB issues covered bonds, which are secured by Swedish residential mortgages.

Green Bonds

SEB issues green bonds to offer financing to green assets/projects and to support customers in their transition journeys to more sustainable business models.

Contact us at SEB Investor Relations

Visiting address: SEB, Kungsträdgårdsgatan 8, Stockholm, Sweden
Switchboard: 0771-62 10 00, from abroad +46 771 62 10 00

Investor Relations contact page


Pawel Wyszynski, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 462 21 11
Philippa Allard, Senior Debt Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 618 83 35
Per Andersson, Senior Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 667 74 81
Mikael Anttila, Senior Debt Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 580 26 18
Amelie Blecher, Head of Debt Investor Relations (Currently on maternity leave)
Paula Dennholt, Senior Sustainability Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 763 94 68
Malin Lundin, Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 763 50 50
Malin Schenkenberg, Senior Investor Relations Officer, +46 70 763 95 31

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