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Supporting our customers

By offering advisory services, innovative and sustainable financing and investment products, we support our customers in their transition to reach the goals in the Paris Agreement.

Our role is to enable companies and individuals to make choices that contribute to a sustainable society. 

Sustainable financing

Sustainable financing is the most important driver in the transformation towards a sustainable economy. By reorienting capital flows towards supporting sustainable solutions and advising on the risks and opportunities involved, SEB support its customers in the transition.

Sustainable investments

SEB is one of the largest institutional investors in the Nordic region with a fiduciary mandate and responsibility to deliver sustainable and competitive investments. We have a comprehensive and competitive offering where environmental social and governance considerations are fully integrated into all investment processes.

Integration of risks and impacts

SEB’s ambition is to have well-informed customers regarding how SEB as a financial institution works to integrate sustainability risk and impact in investment decisions and advice.

Sustainable advisory

Through deep knowledge about our customers, their business environment, preferences and needs, we want to help them identify sustainable business opportunities and manage potential risks.

Sustainable innovation

As a bank, we are a driving force and catalyst in the sustainability transition. We participate in cross-industries initiatives, and contribute through our investments and in servicing our customers. Our innovative product and service development – such as the Impact Metric Tool – paired with a careful product labeling build a proven platform that support our customers’ sustainability journey.

Contact us

SEB's sustainability experts have extensive knowledge in areas such as climate and financing solutions, sustainable investments and regulatory development in the European Union.


Reach out to our sustainability contacts

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