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SEB defends leading positions in Prospera

In a pair of results, SEB defends leading positions in Prospera surveys on equities and corporate finance in Sweden, respectively. SEB also holds its top ranking in equities for the entire Nordic region.

SEB has maintained its top ranking in Prospera’s Nordic domestic equity survey for the fourth year in a row. SEB defended first place in both the overall “All Institutions” category and the “Tier 1” category of large corporates. For individual countries, SEB led the survey in Sweden and placed third in Norway, Denmark and Finland.

"It’s a team effort here, with close cooperation between research, sales and trading. This year’s result is a credit to that teamwork and to our focus on client needs in a challenging environment," says Mika Koskinen, head of Equity Research at SEB.

For corporate finance, SEB defended its number one ranking in Prospera’s latest survey on corporate finance in Sweden. SEB held the top spot in the Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) sub-category and came in second in the Equity Capital Markets (ECM) sub-category. SEB also defended its number one ranking in Finland as well as its top ranking in the ECM category in Norway.

“We are very pleased to defend our top ranking in both Sweden and Finland, and remain the top-ranked Nordic-based player throughout the region," says Alireza Etemad, head of Corporate Finance at SEB.

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