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Our business

At SEB, we are built to empower people with ideas and to stand by them, in both good times and bad.

We take responsibility for how we conduct our business and how we affect our customers, employees, shareholders and society at large. We support our customers in the transition to a more sustainable future and we contribute to the development of the communities in which we operate.

Our customers

Earning our customers' trust is the foundation for our business. With financial products and tailored advisory services, we enable people and companies to realise their aspirations and business ideas. We help our customers contribute to a low-carbon society.

People in motion, plaza seen from above

Our divisions

We aim to add value in all phases of people's lives and in all stages of development of companies and institutions. Our divisions are Large Corporates & Financial Institutions, Corporate & Private Customers, Baltic, Life and Asset Management.

Our locations

We are a leading northern European corporate bank with a unique customer base and market position. We serve our customers in our home markets and through our international network across the globe.

Interior view of SEB office in Stockholm, Sweden

Our business plan

With our strategy and business plan we aim to accelerate transformation, strengthen SEB's long-term profitability and create long-term value for our customers, shareholders and employees.

Picture of SEB's office in Solna, Stockholm by night.
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