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2030 Strategy to build for the future

Our overall ambition is to be a leading corporate and investment bank in northern Europe with international reach, providing our products and services to retail customers in Sweden and the Baltics in a digital format, with a human touch in moments that matter. Coming from a position of strength, we will accomplish this by accelerating our investments. This will enable us to continue to create long-term value for our shareholders.

As outlined in our 2030 Strategy, we will build our focus, rethink and investments in the following four main areas going forward: Acceleration of efforts, Strategic change, Strategic partnerships, and Efficiency improvement.

While the 2030 Strategy defines what we want to achieve in order to future-proof our business and accelerate income growth potential, our three-year business plan for 2022–2024 – which is updated annually – further details how we aim to get there.

Business plan for 2022–2024

SEB's business plan for 2022–2024 builds on the four pillars of our 2030 Strategy, which in turn is our response to structural market trends within our industry. This means that developments related to for example technology, sustainability, corporate and investment banking, savings and investments, and risk management are the basis for our efforts going forward.

By combining high customer satisfaction and strong employee engagement with a solid financial position including capital, liquidity, and cost control, we aim to continue to deliver long-term value to our shareholders.

Long-term financial targets

As we have adapted our strategy over time, our ambition has been to accelerate income growth and increase our profitability. This ambition will continue to guide us also going forward.

Below are our long-term financial targets for the SEB Group.

  • A yearly dividend of around 50 per cent of earnings per share excluding items affecting comparability – distributing potential capital in excess of the targeted capital position mainly through share repurchases.
  • A Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 100–300 basis points above the requirement from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.
  • A return on equity that is competitive with peers. In the long-term, SEB aspires to reach a sustainable return on equity of 15 per cent

Annual and Sustainability reports

Read about SEB's performance in our Annual and Sustainability reports. Since 2020, SEB’s Sustainability report, including the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), is integrated in the Annual report.