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Nomination committee for Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken appointed

In accordance with the decision at the Annual General Meeting on April 9, 2003 the four largest shareholders have appointed their respective representatives who, under the guidance of the Chairman of the Board, will jointly prepare a proposal for members of the Board to be presented at the Annual General Meeting for decision.
The representatives are:
Hans Mertzig, Trygg-Foundation
Ramsay Brufer, Alecta
Torgny Wännström, AFA Insurance
and Jacob Wallenberg, Investor
The annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday April 1, 2004.
The SEB Group is a North European financial banking Group that is focused on large companies, institutions and private individuals, with 672 branch offices around Sweden, Germany and the Baltic States. SEB has more than 4 million customers, of whom 1,3 million are e-banking customers. On 31 December 2002, the Group's total assets amounted to SEK 1,241 billion while its assets under management totalled SEK 742 billion. The Group is represented in some 20 countries around the world and has a staff of about 19,000. Read more about SEB at www.seb.net.
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