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Transition reflections

Personal insights into sustainability development.

In a series of articles – Transition reflections – SEB’s experts share insights and reflections on significant sustainability developments and topics.

Transition reflections

Behind the scenes – accelerating transparency in sustainable finance

Lina Norder, Sustainable Finance Specialist, takes the readers behind the scenes of the work done within the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance. An advisory group to the European Commission, it gathers industry experts to contribute to better policy and regulation. SEB is the only bank represented.
Transition reflections

The fast, furious – and fair – energy transition

Gregor Vulturius, SEB's Lead Scientist and Advisor within Climate & Sustainable Finance, brings over 10 years of experience in working with policy makers, the financial sector, academia, and civil society. He is also the editor in chief of “The Green Bond”, SEB's research publication that strives to bring you the latest insights into the world of sustainable finance – one theme at a time.

Contact us

SEB's sustainability experts have extensive knowledge in areas such as climate and financing solutions, sustainable investments and regulatory development in the European Union.


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