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Shipping sector

Since ancient times, the seas have been essential to global trade, facilitating the exchange of goods, customs and ideas. Today, shipping remains a key pillar of the global economy.

While critical to global economic growth and development, the shipping industry also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and can cause harm to marine ecosystems.

Fortunately, solutions are emerging. Lower carbon fuels, energy saving technologies, improved vessel designs, stricter regulations and more fuel-efficient operations, are all helping the industry transition to a more sustainable future.

Shipping is a cyclical and highly capital-intensive industry, and decarbonization will require substantial investments in new and existing vessels. This will require specialized financing solutions from experienced and responsible capital providers.

Our offering to the shipping industry

We at SEB assist our clients in navigating their sustainability transition by providing tailored financial solutions. From offices in Norway, Sweden, London, and Singapore, we serve clients in Europe, North America and select Asian markets with a broad suite of products and services, including sustainability advice. 

Our industry experts, backed by acknowledged research and credit teams, deliver customised financial strategies for each client.

Our products and services include:

  • Lending
  • Equity and debt capital markets
  •  Sustainable finance advice
  • Mergers and acquisitions advisory
  • Foreign exchange and interest rate derivatives
  • Commodity hedging
  • Transaction services

Reduction target for shipping sector

  • -41 per cent by 2030

This target, set in 2024, aims to reduce the average emission intensity by 41 per cent by 2030 compared to the base year 2022. The target covers all lending where ships are used as collateral for the lending, which makes it possible to follow the emission development at the ship level. The financed vessels and the credit exposure covered are the same as those covered by reporting under the Poseidon Principles, the global framework for responsible shipping that SEB signed in 2020.

Outcome will be reported November 2024.

Sector by sector. Industry by industry.

By offering advisory services, innovative and sustainable financing and investment products, we're helping our clients to reach their sustainability targets.

Contact us about shipping finance

Hans Christian Kjelsrud
Global Head of Shipping Coverage

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