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Suomen Hyötytuuli × SEB

Renewable energy all year around.

As part of the Carbon Neutral Finland programme, Finland aims to cut emissions up to 95% by 2050. Suomen Hyötytuuli, one of Finland’s leading wind power producers, is contributing to this goal. 

They've developed steel foundations to withstand the icy conditions of the Gulf of Bothnia, which were used in building Tahkoluoto, the world's first offshore wind farm on frozen sea. 

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Suomen Hyötytuuli Energy  Financing
Tahkoluoto, offshore wind farm on frozen sea
Tahkoluoto is the world’s first offshore wind farm designed for icy conditions.

Suomen Hyötytuuli plans to expand Tahkoluoto with an additional 40 turbines by 2029. 
This expansion will enable the wind farm to generate up to 2,600 GWh year-round. This is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of around 130,000 Finnish households.

SEB, as their core banking partner, supports Suomen Hyötytuuli’s onshore and offshore wind farm projects in their mission to accelerate Finland's transition to fossil-free energy.

About Suomen Hyötytuuli

Suomen Hyötytuuli Ltd. founded in 1998, is a leading Finnish wind power company. With seven operational wind farms and several ongoing projects nationwide, Suomen Hyötytuuli Ltd is at the forefront of Finland's wind energy sector. The company’s achievements include pioneering Finland's industrial-scale wind turbines and leading in offshore wind farm development.

Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm is Finland’s first wind farm built on offshore foundation and the world’s first offshore wind farm designed for icy conditions.

The company is owned by Helen Oy (Oy Mankala Ab), Alva-yhtiöt Oy, Lahti Energia Oy, Lappeenrannan Energia Oy, Pori Energia Oy, Tampereen Energia Oy, Oy Turku Energia – Åbo Energi Ab, and Vantaan Energia Oy.

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