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Reducing our own footprint

We have a responsibility and work actively to reduce our own environmental footprint. Since 2008 we have been measuring our carbon emissions from energy consumption, use of paper, company cars and business travel. From 2021 we also measure our carbon emissions from waste.

We have set targets to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2045. This targets includes milestones to reduce emissions with 66 per cent by 2025 and with 75 per cent by 2030, both compared to baseline year 2008. During 2023, SEB’s total GHG emissions from own operations increased to 13,251 tonnes (11,610) which is below the bank’s target of limiting emissions to 17,000 tonnes ±5 per cent by 2025. Travel emissions increased to 8,170 tonnes (6,043) tonnes.

We undertake several measures to achieve our reduction targets, such as improving energy efficiency of operations and buildings and increasing the use of renewable energy.

Our material impact areas

The material areas are where our daily activities have a positive or negative impact of a magnitude. We divide those into the environmental, social and governance area. Read about our approach and how we work.


Contact us

SEB's sustainability experts have extensive knowledge in areas such as climate and financing solutions, sustainable investments and regulatory development in the European Union.


Reach out to our sustainability contacts

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