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SEB’s German bank changes name to SEB

As of today, Monday, 2 April, SEB’s German bank has changed its name to SEB. Starting today, the old signs at 177 branch offices and at 30 centers for unit-linked insurance and fund sales in Germany will be replaced with the SEB logo. The change of name represents a step in the ongoing international expansion of the SEB Group. Europe is a region of high priority for the Group and it is therefore important that the SEB brand be visible there.

During 2000, BfG was able to implement its restructuring faster than had been planned:

“During the restructuring process, BfG has been able to maintain its customer base of approximately one million clients and has, in addition, doubled the number of e-banking clients to 150,000,” says Lars Lundquist, President of SEB in Germany.

“The strategic areas of growth for the new bank are asset management, e-banking and insurance services,” says Lars Lundquist.

SEB is a European financial group especially for corporations and financially active private individuals.
SEB has 630 branch offices in Sweden, Germany and the Baltic States, with 4 million customers in total. Of these, 850,000 are Internet customers. SEB also has operations in the rest of the Nordic countries, Great Britain, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The balance sheet total is SEK 1,123 billion and assets under management amount to SEK 910 billion. The number of employees amount to 21,500. Read more about SEB: www.seb.net