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Solutions for banks

In us you will find a provenly skilled and reliable partner for your transaction banking needs. Through our strong capabilities in custody and other bank-related transaction services, we have become the leading interbank provider in Northern Europe.

Cash management for banks

We have an extensive cash management offering for banks and are positioned as one of the largest Nordic currency clearing agents. Our services within cash management include:

  • Cross-border cash clearing
  • CLS nostro agency
  • Indirect domestic clearing services

We also provide treasury services for client banks who wish to use SEB’s FX- and MM-products, through SEB Markets.


Within sub-custody, SEB provides post trade services in the Nordic and Baltic markets. The main target group is foreign banks – including universal banks, global custodians and broker-dealers – who are not represented in the market in question. Our offering includes:

  • Safekeeping of assets
  • Settlement with auto-borrow service
  • Income collection and tax administration
  • Corporate actions
  • Voting
  • Issuing and paying agent services


Jesper Lindén

Head of Investor Services Banks
+46 8 763 54 36

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