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Cash management for banks

We offer extensive cash management services, tailored according to your specific needs. As for Nordic currency – we are one of the leading clearing agents.

Cash Clearing

As a clearing agent, we process DKK, EUR, NOK and SEK cash obligations on behalf of clients for a wide array of underlying purposes. The service offering is comprehensive and covers e.g. accounts in local and foreign currency, commercial payments, financial payments, cheques (where still used), liquidity management and reporting.

Your cash clearing needs are attended to by Nordic-wide account servicing and payment processing teams with extensive experience in SWIFT based interbank operations.

CLS Nostro Agent Services

SEB is the CLS Nostro agent in the Scandinavian currencies – DKK, NOK and SEK – for a large number of CLS settlement members. SEB also acts as Liquidity Provider for CLS in the Scandinavian currencies and was a founding member of the Scandinavian Cash Pool. The pool enables better use of collateral across the Scandinavian markets, increasing the capacity and resilience for SEB as a CLS Nostro agent.

As a CLS Nostro agent client you are serviced by a dedicated team with full attention to the time criticality and sensitivity that CLS processes entail.

White Label Services

SEB’s White Label Services is a cost effective way to gain indirect access to domestic payment infrastructures in the Nordic countries. If direct Nordic clearing participation or a partner referral solution does not fit your bank’s needs – SEB’s White Label Services may be a good option.¨

The solution delivers indirect clearing capabilities. This is done by utilising standard file-based payment messaging to connect corporate accounts in the books of the client bank with an account structure in SEB’s books, enabled for domestic clearing.

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