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The work we do is critical for the banks survival

Sara Bäckner, Security Officer within Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)
"I sometimes describe my job as detective work - you dig in different logs but at the same time, you also need to have a holistic understanding of what has actually happened," says Sara Bäckner, Security Officer within Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)

An interest in IT led Sara Bäckner all the way to Scotland, where she studied Cybersecurity and Forensics. After moving back to Sweden, she later worked as a Security Analyst for four years before joining SEB in September of 2022. Here, she works as an Information Security Officer within Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). The team, which consists of six people, is part of SEB's Operation Security Center.

"CSIRT is a so-called 'blue team', which means that our primary focus is to manage and prevent various incidents related to IT security. However, we also deal with many other security-related issues. For example, our group handles matters such as phishing incidents, user inquiries or alarms from various systems. Sometimes, we also collaborate with other teams to ensure that broader security concerns are resolved. So, our work definitely varies a lot, and you can always get new, unexpected tasks throughout the week," Sara Bäckner explains.

Continuous learning

"IT security is a very broad field that is constantly changing with the emergence of new technologies. Every technology brings new risks and threats that you might not have encountered before, so it's crucial to stay updated on different topics. What was new last year quickly becomes outdated, and there is really no end to how much you can learn. When there's time, I like to study to acquire specialised knowledge or try to learn something completely new. This is something we're encouraged to do, and I really appreciate having that opportunity," says Sara.

What's the best part of your job?

"I sometimes describe my job as detective work - you dig in different logs but at the same time, you also need to have a holistic understanding of what has actually happened. Sometimes you work independently, and other times within the team, where each person has a different piece that needs to fit into the puzzle. That work is very exciting. You definitely feel as if you're making a real difference. Regardless of which division you're in, security issues could affect you. It only takes one data breach, or one security incident, for the bank to lose its trust. The work that we do is therefore critical for protecting customers, employees, and also for the bank's survival.

The team and culture is also something that I appreciate with working at SEB. Being a young woman in this field can sometimes feel daunting, especially when you feel as if you don't fit the stereotype of someone working with IT security. But in my team, where I'm the only female, that has never been a problem as we have a very open and relaxed atmosphere. However, it's still important that we get rid of the prejudice that you need to be a certain way to work with IT. Having an interest is enough, that's what I hope to show others," Sara says.

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