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The importance of building long-term relationships with customers!

After working in another bank for eleven years, Johannes Nordström decided to take on the role of Corporate Advisor at SEB’s office in Kungsholmen. Read more about his experience of the bank and the importance of building long-term relationships with customers!

Tell us more about your role!

“My journey within the corporate segment began about six years ago. Since then, I have worked with companies in various roles. And I have never regretted taking that step. Now I have been at SEB for just a few weeks but the role is familiar. The company is at the centre where the advisor together with the owners, for example, tries to see what is best for the company focusing on things such as loans, insurance and savings.”

What is the most important thing about the role of Corporate Advisor?

“The most important characteristic of the role of Corporate Advisor is to build relationships. In a good relationship. the customer must be able to express ideas and wishes and feel confident in both the advisor and the bank. A former manager put it like this: ‘our money does not taste better than in other banks’. In other words, it is not our money that is the basis of our ability to be competitive, it is you the employee and how close you can get to your customer that makes a difference. This is something valuable that takes time to cultivate and which also benefits the customer.”

Why SEB?

“After eleven years at my old office, I became curious about other employers. I remembered what I had heard about SEB during my university days – that they were the best on the corporate side. That impression crystallised many years later when it made me want to find out more. Here it feels as if I have stepped forward fifteen years in time! At SEB they have made greater progress with digitalisation of working tools. This means you can free yourself from administrative work which in turn allows you as an advisor to devote more time to the customers, which is the most fun! Plus I get to sit with fantastic colleagues and managers where the business itself, team spirit and having fun at work are all valued!”

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