It should always be easy to ask a colleague for help

Building relationships is a key part of Nora Gustafsson’s and Fanny Lindberg’s work at SEB. Here, they tell us how they collaborate across departmental boundaries in order to create holistic solutions for their customers.
Fanny Lindberg and Nora Gustafsson work at SEB’s office at Fridhemsplan in Stockholm. Fanny is a Private Advisor and Nora is a Small Business Advisor.
How did you end up at SEB?
Nora: “When I completed my economics degree, I was contacted by a head-hunter who asked if I would like to be involved in setting up a new customer service department for the Norwegian market at SEB Kort. I worked with this for about a year, but since I have always found entrepreneurship a lot of fun and have many entrepreneurs in my family, I decided to apply for the role of Small Business Advisor.”
Fanny: “I actually ended up at SEB by accident but have now worked here for just over five years. I started as a Customer Service Advisor and then had further training internally to become a Private Advisor.”
Why are relationships important at SEB?
Nora: “Since we want to be a full-service bank, we get help from each other. If I have a meeting with a customer, I often include a pensions and insurance advisor as well as a private advisor. This allows us to talk about everything from financing and occupational pensions for the employees to the customer’s private mortgages and pensions.”
Fanny: “Our office is designed so that we can easily interact. It must be easy to ask a colleague for help. We also have visits from other departments that are not based here. There is an incredible amount of expertise within the bank.”
How does your employer encourage networking?
Nora: “For example, SEB arranges different events where we can get to know colleagues from other departments so that we can better understand what they do and how they can help us.”
Fanny: “Entrepreneur Camp is one example. This is an event for people at upper secondary school or who have just finished their studies and are interested in starting their own company. We act as coaches during the event and have an opportunity to network within the organisation at the same time.”
What do you like best about your job?
Fanny: “The feeling that I make a difference. Some customers leave their goals and dreams to chance. For example, many do not know how much their retirement income will be. We help customers with a pension forecast as well as making an active decision to ensure they get the income they want. For example, starting pension savings early on, so that their capital can grow.”
Nora: “It’s fun seeing companies grow, develop and follow them on their journey. It feels good to be involved and to help them when times get tough.”
What do you do to create a good atmosphere at the office?
Fanny: “We often eat in the office so we often get together over lunch.”
Nora: “We have an activity every Thursday. Most recently we had a music quiz. This really helps to get to know each other better and you always leave with a smile on your face.”