SEB Private Equity Nordic Direct III

Note that some of our funds are only for distribution in Sweden and some of the alternative funds are not available to non-professional investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of fund units/shares can rise as well as fall significantly and you may not get back the amount invested.
In our Nordic strategy, we look for control or co-control investment opportunities in small-to-midsized companies with strong value- creation opportunity. We are an active owner in our portfolio companies and over the years we have built a team with a variety of backgrounds including operational leadership, entrepreneurship and financial expertise.
As a part of our Nordic strategy, a dedicated team comprising our investment professionals and industrial advisors serves on company boards and provide advice on operational excellence, human capital, financing, strategic initiatives, market environment, international expansion, growth acceleration, and more. We always try to build a board around our businesses which cater to the unique challenges and opportunities that each business faces.
As a sector-agnostic investor in the lower mid-market segment, we usually invest in founder-led or family businesses that need help to reach new heightsdevelop further on their journey for their business. Our typical equity ticket is SEK 100-400m.
Please reach out if you have any questions.