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Audit and Compliance Committee

The Audit and Compliance Committee supports the Board in its work with quality assurance of the Bank's financial reporting and internal control over the financial reporting. When required, the Audit and Compliance Committee also prepares, for decision by the Board, a recommendation for the appointment or dismissal of the Head of Group Internal Audit.

The Committee maintains regular contact with the Bank's external and internal auditors and discusses the co-ordination of their activities. It ensures that any remarks and observations from the auditors are addressed. The Committee also evaluates the external auditors' work and independence.

In addition, the President's proposal for appointment or dismissal of the Head of Group Compliance is subject to the Committee's approval.

Audit and Compliance Committee held 8 meetings in 2022.

The CFO, the external auditors, the Head of Group Internal Audit and the Head of Group Compliance submit matters and reports for the Committee's consideration. The President regularly participates in the meetings.

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