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Commodities research gives you price outlooks for numerous commodities

Commodities Research is our specialist unit supporting you in your commodities business. We provide research and commodity price outlooks for a number of different commodities.

We work in tight cooperation with our economic research team, which analyses markets for foreign exchange, interest rates, equities and macroeconomics for both developed and emerging markets. The Commodities Sales team is, in turn, made up of specialists in the fields of oil, gas, power, metals, agricultural products and precious metals.

We produce daily and weekly market letters enabling you as a client to keep track of commodity market developments. We also provide price views and deal recommendations. 

Visit our commodities research portal

We provide clients with research and commodity price outlooks for a number of different commodities. Learn more by visiting our commodities research portal. Here you will also find SEB’s research for areas such as equities, Debt Capital Market (DCM), Corporate Research, Fixed income and Macro and FICC research.

Image of two persons sitting in front of several computer screens.

Contact us

Bjarne Schieldrop
Chief Analyst, Commodities
Phone: +4722827253

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