FX Automation

Focus on what really matters and let us do the rest. By using SEB's automated FX services parts of, or the entire, your FX-process can be automated. Anything from rolling your swaps or letting your equity positions be hedged to a complete rebalancing of your currency portfolio can be automated.
Real-time rule-based handling of FX flows significantly ease the administrative burden at the same time as operational errors are minimized. Together, we identify your challenges and possibilities and make sure you can tap into not only our FX experts but also connect multiple touchpoints from your side and ours.
So while you focus more on your core business, let us make sure that FX is handled in a safe, correct and cost-efficient way. Implementation is simple. Our Automation experts will always be there to help tailor the service to fit your specific needs. Co-create an optimal solution with us. Gain access to various types of resources at SEB including our digital design and technology experts.
Four case examples of how we work with FX automation:
Share Class Hedging + Currency Overlay
A fund management client wanted to hedge the FX risk in their equity and bond portfolios. They also wanted to create share classes of some of their funds in different currencies and automatically hedge the embedded FX risk. We are offering them a fully automated, cloud-based solution that calculates the required hedges, executes the trades and delivers the relevant benchmark and execution reports. In addition to saving the client a lot of manual work, our solution will also protect them against market and operational risk.
Process Automation
We are working with a global manufacturing company to optimize their internal processes in relation to liquidity and FX risk management . The objectives of this exercise is to help the company identify their biggest challenges, articulate their dream scenario and identify the technologies and processes required to implement their goals. A manual workflow carries with it both market and operational risk and we want to help mitigate those risks.
Integration Through APIs
A global commodity trader uses Trading station to manually book the FX for their trades. It's usually 2-3 FX bookings per commodity trade. By connecting their business system to our rest-API's, the FX part of their trade is fully digital. This takes away both manual work, operational risk and the need to setup user accounts for all their traders.
Automated end-of-day overnight swaps
A Swedish bank and fund company sends their underlying FX SPOT trades through a multi-bank platform and cleans up their SEB accounts end-of-day with a manual overnight swap against SEK. By using our service Schedule FX this can be automated, which means no more repetitive manual tasks.
Contact us
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