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FX Algo trading

Get access to the Scandi pool. Add our FX Algo to your trading mix. Have you considered algorithms to help you execute your large orders? With today’s requirements on best execution and transparency, trading with algos might be something to consider. SEB offers algorithms on our own platform, Trading Station, and on a few external platforms. 

An algorithm automates the execution of an order according to parameters that you set yourself before the start of the execution. You can choose different styles of algos and you will need to specify some parameters within which you want your order to be executed. You also can amend your parameters while the algo is underway and your order is being executed.

With an algo you will be able to execute your large orders while taking advantage of SEB unique internal Scandinavian liquidity pool. Not only will you have access to all the trading venues for those currency pairs but you will have the ability to match internally with the whole franchise of SEB clients. SEB franchise is made of a very wide variety of Nordic clients both Financial Institutions and corporates of all sizes. This pool of liquidity is unique and you can only access it via our own algos.

Note that an algo does not suit in every circumstance or for every client, if you want to discuss about algos and/or get additional information please contact your FX sales representative.

Helping clients to take more control over their order execution

We invest in state-of-the-art technology and offer FX algos through our own platform, Trading Station as well as the multibank portals Bloomberg and FXall.

The use of algorithms in FX comes with benefits for the clients but also with many questions and reflections. SEB is keen on fostering those reflections and we are as we have been historically always keen on adopting and spreading best practice principles. Artificial intelligence is a very interesting field in the context of algo execution. Our quant team is collaborating with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), and WASP, Sweden largest individual research programme ever. We are doing this in several ways including in supervising PHD students on AI applied to FX execution. We believe it is important to support basic research as well as experimenting with what emerging technologies can do in the market.

Our insights on FX Algo trading

How do we work with Algos, and what do you need to know in order to understand if Algos are for you or not? Carolina Trujillo, Head of e-FX Distribution at SEB, can give you the insights on why SEB FX Algo might be a good addition in your trading mix.

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