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Your global partner for commodity risk solutions.

Your global partner for commodity risk solutions.

Recent years show extreme commodity price swings, from negative oil prices to extreme spikes in natural gas due to geopolitical events. Commodity risks are volatile but manageable through hedging.

We provide products and services to support you in your commodities business. From simple hedging products to advanced strategies based on tailored in-depth risk advisory.

A glance of our offering

  • 150 commodities covered in 15+ countries.
  • Access to major futures and options markets.
  • Experienced senior team with a valuable network.
  • One of Europe's highest Credit rated commodity banks.​
  • Strategic risk advisory and tailored hedging.
  • Serving clients since 1856 for long-term relationships.

Why hedge your commodity risk?

Prices can change very rapidly due to unexpected events that occurs on the market. By hedging your commodity risk, you reduce your risks ensuring your business will not be exposed to unexpected price spikes.

SEB offers carbon dioxide removal certificates

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made it clear that it will not be possible to achieve the climate goals without removing CO2 from the atmosphere. SEB offers corporates and institutions to buy carbon dioxide removal (CDR) certificates from Inherit Carbon Solutions.

Advisory client cases

To support you in your commodities business, our advisory services are based on extensive analysis of all sectors. We have gathered some examples of recent advisory cases where we have helped the clients to identify and reduce their risks.

Research for different commodities

We provide clients with research and commodity price outlooks for a number of different commodities. Our first-ranked team of Economists and Strategists is the leading Macro & FICC research group in the Nordics.

Articles on commodities

Contact us

For more information about products and services for your commodities business, please contact:

Aleksander Christensen
Head of Commodities Sales
+46 8 506 233 24

Maximilian Brodin
Head of Commodities
+47 22 82 72 73
