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Tellus data hub

The SEB Tellus data hub is a modern Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data platform internally developed by SEB. ESG refers to three key factors used to measure the sustainability and societal impact of a business.

The Tellus hub enables us to assist with a quantitative assessment of our clients' ESG journeys.

Tellus in short


  • SEB's ESG data product.
  • Data strategy and governance.
  • Cross bank efficiency coordination.
  • Pro-active enabler for business innovation.
  • Center of excellence.
  • Innovative and forward leaning.


  • ESG attributes on companies, assets, funds, and instruments.
  • SEM views and future predictions.
  • A well framed mix of suppliers.
  • Financial data relevant for ESG purposes and use-cases.

Infrastructure, AI and value proposition

  • Mandatory regulatory, Value creation, Cost avoidance, R&D and New tech.
  • State of the art solution (Google Cloud Platform (GCP) end-to-end).
  • Front runner in applying AI on ESG data.
  • Data as enabler for decision making and value creation.
  • Supports SEB's transformation.

Tellus set up illustration


  Data (Tellus)
  Visualisation (Tableau)
  AI/ML (Luna)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

What data is available?

The data available in Tellus covers a wide range of topics, such as ESG metrics (carbon emissions, gender diversity, norms-based screening etc), Sustainable Development Goals impacts, EU Taxonomy eligibility and alignment and Biodiversity impacts to name a few. Data is collected and estimated on an entity level, such as companies or real estate, and calculated on fund and portfolio levels.

Portfolio calculations are based on reported company data and estimation models developed in-house. The reported and estimated data allows for measurement of:

  • ESG Metrics

    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects of company operations are measured on portfolio level. We are calculating factors such as aggregated carbon intensity, water consumption, gender equality and board independence.

  • SDG Impact

    The impacts of the products and services that a company provides are assessed to determine the total impacts of the investments on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A mapping of such impacts was developed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Both the positive and negative impacts on the SDGs are assessed.

  • EU Taxonomy

    The EU Taxonomy aims to define environmentally sustainable economic activities. In the SEB Tellus Data Hub, a portfolio aggregated level eligibility and alignment can be assessed, using both reported and estimated data.

  • Biodiversity impacts and dependencies

    Our biodiversity model measures impacts and dependencies on natural capital and ecosystem services and is based on the UNEP FI promoted ENCORE tool, mapped together with revenue data on a company level.

  • A data hub with multiple functions

    The Tellus data hub can be used to provide SEB’s customers with portfolio analyses and periodic reports, to design new portfolios, and to set internal key performance indicators for existing portfolios. Furthermore, the data can facilitate dialogues between portfolio managers and companies. 

Contact us about SEB Tellus Data Hub

Interested to know more about Tellus? Please contact:

Per Bartel-Georgzén 
Sustainable Banking 

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