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Innovation and digitalisation at SEB

SEB is one of Sweden’s largest employers within IT and technology and innovation has been part of our company’s DNA ever since we were founded in 1856. The fact that the work develops the whole time attracts new problem solvers – who want to be part of a sector undergoing change.

Innovation and digital technology are to a great extent about finding smart solutions for understanding customer needs. SEB works in an insight-driven and requirements-driven manner using methods such as Service Design, UX design and Design thinking. Continually challenging previous working methods and trying to see things from the customer’s viewpoint are a key part of creating new services that support customers and help them progress.

Innovative power of our employees

Since 2015 SEB’s Innovation Lab has encouraged employees to build on their ideas and create new solutions. Innovation through employees is a key part of SEB and this work is now being developed through activities including internal hackathons on different themes. Employees are forced to rethink and above all challenge – both themselves, the sector and customers. In November 2020, for example, there was a digital hackathon on the theme Banking beyond the backlog – which attracted more participants that ever before.

Innovation and sustainability

There is also a strong ambition to contribute to sustainable development. Successful companies create growth and by financing and investing in innovative companies within sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy and new technology, SEB has a key role to play. SEB also supports companies in finding new innovative financing solutions such as green bonds and through microfinance funds the company contributes to solving economic, environmental and social challenges in developing countries.

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