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Ida Nordenadler decided to set her sights on SEB’s Trainee Programme while she was still at upper secondary school. Today she is an Investment Specialist at SEB and more than satisfied with her choice.
The fact that Ida landed up at SEB was not entirely unexpected. She describes herself as “a bank baby at birth” and she started at SEB’s customer service straight after school. After gaining her degree at the Stockholm School of Economics, taking the step to the trainee programme felt totally natural.
“When I was about to start upper secondary school, I started thinking about SEB as my future employer. I had good grades and was told that I should choose the natural science programme but this didn’t attract me at all. I was lucky enough at the time to speak to Américo Fernández, who is currently SEB’s household economist, and who had then just completed SEB’s trainee programme. I don’t think I had ever been so inspired before. So, there and then, I decided that this was the direction I wanted to take in the future.”
“I recommend SEB’s trainee programme to everyone. This opportunity to come in and see the entire bank is rare indeed. You gain insight into all the divisions and meet an unbelievable number of exciting and competent people as well as learning about services you didn’t even know existed. It’s a fantastic way in and also perfect if you are not quite sure what you want to focus on.”
“Right now my role is Investment Communication Specialist. My department is responsible for packaging our offerings and developing products tailor-made for our customers within the Private Wealth Management & Family Office division. We look at everything from how we become competitive to how to get our products to market in the best way.
“Every week I also send out summaries of what is happening in the market to both our advisors and our customers. This can include everything from inflation and interest rate announcements to G20 meetings. In short, I’m the one who must keep an eye on what is happening in the market and how we communicate this to our customers.”
“That I have fun every day. We are a lovely group who are all really passionate about our work. This leads to an unbelievably great atmosphere in the group. I am also a person who likes to be where it’s happening and no two days are the same here. In a world that is constantly changing, we must be able to quickly provide information to our customers so it is important to always be abreast of the detail and up-to-date on the situation.”
“In my current group, women are actually in the majority. Although there are still a lot of men who work in the financial sector, the trend is for an increasing proportion of women. I started as a young girl and truly felt that I was taken seriously from the start. Through the trainee programme and from my role in branch operations, I have built up a big internal network which has provided many advantages. Today, we also work actively at SEB to encourage more women to invest and become entrepreneurs, so it goes without saying that we also reflect this by making sure they meet women and not just men at the bank.”
“With such a big employer as SEB, there are an unbelievable number of opportunities. For example, I would love to try working abroad and I have every chance of doing this due to the bank’s presence in several different countries."
Get insights into what it is like to be a trainee at SEB.
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