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Customer support

Our various customer support centers are proud to be SEB's face to the outside world and have daily contact with our private and corporate customers regarding banking, insurance and pension issues.  

At our customer support centers, we have a genuine commitment, great job satisfaction and high professionalism. Our employees possess a unique and broad competence that creates great value both for our customers and for our employees around the organisation. 

Customer Centre at Life & Pension

Customer Centre for Life & Pension is located in Sundsvall and comprises some 60 professional and dedicated employees divided into five teams: private individuals, corporate, brokers, sales and skills support.

SEB 24|7 Service

SEB 24|7 Service, offers SEB's private and corporate customers service around the clock, every day of the week with proximity and commitment between colleagues, the team and other departments within SEB.

Contact us

For questions, feel free to send us an email.

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