SEB Private Equity Nordic Direct III

Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of fund units/shares can rise as well as fall and you may not get back the amount invested.
Alternative investments are an umbrella term for investments that do not fall under the traditional categories, such as equities and interest. Our alternative investments come with less strict investment guidelines than our traditional funds.
The aim of alternative investments is to achieve absolute return, in other words to yield return no matter of how the underlying markets develop.
Our alternative investment products provide exposure to several different asset types, such as real estate, private equity, currency, raw materials, unlisted credits and microfinance – through funds.
Our alternative investments suit you who would like:
Our funds are distributed in different countries around the world. Would you like to know in which country a particular class is available to what kind of investors? Visit our international hub for SEB funds and download our distribution matrix.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Malmskillnadsgatan 44 B
+46 771 62 10 00