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SEB Nordic Energy

A renewable energy fund enabling energy transition.

SEB Nordic Energy is focusing solely on direct investments in renewable energy infrastructure assets in the Nordics.

Investments will be made in geothermal energy systems, hydropower plants, solar energy, wind energy and cogeneration/combined heat and power and energy efficiency, both through new construction and by upgrading existing facilities to increase efficiency and energy output. The fund is open for institutional investors with an investment horizon of more than 15 years and will be closed-end.

Investor Update

SEB Nordic Energy – Investor Update in English with the portfolio managers Richard Gavel & Elin Löfblad, December 2024.

Soft repowering

— upgrading wind farms

A process that involves upgrading critical components of wind farms. Watch the video from Värslen, Mariestad, showcasing a recent example of soft repowering within SEB Nordic Energy's portfolio.

SEB Nordic Energy launched in April 2023

Interview with Elin Löfblad, portföljförvaltare och Nicklas Sörensen, vd, Locus Energy.

Se the interview

SEB Nordic Energy in short

  • Direct investments in renewable energy assets in the Nordics.
  • The fund is classified under EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation as an Article 9 fund, a fund that has sustainable investment as its objective.
  • 15-year investment horizon.
  • Targeted size (equity): SEK 15bn (within 5 years).

SEB Nordic Energy was created to enable an accelerated transformation of the energy sector by acquiring, developing and integrating small - to mid-scale energy assets into larger portfolios and investing in new technology to increase energy output as well as to meet modern ESG standards and environmental requirements.

Small - to mid-scale local assets for green energy generation have a key role to play in a successful transformation of today’s Nordic energy landscape into a more sustainable, resilient, and efficient energy system that can deliver more power and thereby enable the needed electrification of industry and transportation ty.

Already today, these assets represent a significant part of the energy production in the Nordic countries. The fund offers an attractive risk-return proposition, inflation protection, low volatility and long-term alternative investment opportunity.

Renewable energy asset investments in focus

Focusing on the Nordic region, investments will be both in weather dependent energy, that is solar and wind power, plannable energy production, that is hydropower, and necessary infrastructure, that is local grids needed to enable power production and transfer.

Outside of its main strategy, the Sub-Fund may opportunistically invest up to thirty per cent (30%) of its assets into other energy investments, that is energy storage systems.

SEB Nordic Hydropower Co-investment fund

For clients already invested in SEB Nordic Energy who wish to gain additional exposure to small-scale hydropower investments in the Nordics, the SEB Nordic Hydropower Co-investment fund provides this option. The fund’s purpose is to acquire hydropower assets in the Nordic region in collaboration with SEB Nordic Energy.

Hydropower is a cornerstone in the Nordic energy system, offering constant and controllable energy generation. Its significance is expected to grow as the share of intermittent energy sources, such as wind and solar, continues to rise.

Contact your Client Executive for more information.

Investment opportunities are sourced across energy sources and energy solutions

Geothermal heating

Develop energy systems for properties that will be leased to the property owners.

Solar power

Investments in solar energy, both dedicated solar parks and rooftop installations. 

Hydro power 

Investments in existing hydropower facilities that will be upgraded by the fund.

Wind power

Investments in existing wind power sites that will be upgraded by the fund. 

Combined heat & power

Investments in existing combined heat and power plants with potential for increased power generation. 

Energy efficiency

Investments in energy efficiency projects and emission reduction measures.

Why invest in the SEB Nordic Energy?

Transition in numbers - how we measure our progress in the fund

Our strategic partners


Richard Gavel
Portfolio Manager, Real Estate & Infrastructure 
SEB Asset Management

Elin Löfblad

Portfolio Manager, Real Estate & Infrastructure 
SEB Asset Management

Håkan Brodin
Institutional Sales
SEB Asset Management

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An investment in the Fund is only suitable for certain “Sophisticated Investors” (as defined by law) who have no need for near-term liquidity. Such an investment provides limited liquidity because interests in the Fund are not freely transferable and may be transferred only under the limited circumstances set forth in the Fund Documents. Please contact your client executive for further information.

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