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SEB Asset Management's awards and recognitions

Over the years, SEB Asset Management has received numerous awards – a testament to our strong presence in the fund market.

Here, we have compiled a selection of the awards and recognitions that SEB Asset Management has been granted.

Javiera Ragnartz, Head of the Asset Management division
We are, of course, very happy and proud of the awards and recognition our funds have received. It is an important confirmation that we are a strong player in the fund market.

Awards SEB Asset Management has received in 2024

Fund of the year 2024

SEB Asset Management wins the 2024 Fund Company of the Year award, presented by Privata Affärer. Additionally, the fund company scoops the 2024 Small Cap Fund of the Year and 2024 Sweden Fund of the Year awards. At seb.se you find more information about the awards and the funds.

(Information in Swedish)

Prospera 2024: SEB number one

SEB is ranked number one in the Prospera customer satisfaction survey by Nordic institutional asset management clients for the third consecutive year.

LSEG Lipper Fund Awards Nordics

At LSEG Lipper Fund Awards Nordics 2004, SEB Pensionsfond Plus, SEB Sverigefond Småbolag C/R, and SEB Nordenfond won in their respective categories.

LSEG Lipper Fund Awards Europe

SEB Nordenfond, SEB Sweden Equity Fund, and SEB Sverigefond have won awards for consistently demonstrating strong risk-adjusted returns compared to peers across various time frames for each respective fund: 10 years, 5 years and 3 years.

A selection of awards from previous years

Best funds at Lipper Fund Awards Nordics 2023​

SEB Sverige Småbolag Chans/Risk, SEB European Equity Small Caps and SEB Nordic Future Opportunity Fund won the award for having shown consistently strong risk-adjusted returns compared with peers across a 10-year time frame.

Best External Asset Management Nordics 2023 and 2022

 SEB by Kantar Sifo Prospera.

Best funds at Lipper Fund Awards Nordics 2022

​SEB European Equity Small Caps won the award for consistently demonstrating strong risk-adjusted returns compared with peers across 3- and 5-year time frames.

Best Swedish Fund Selection Team 2022​

SEB Manager Selection named best fund selection team at Nordic Fund Selection Awards.

Best Nordic Equity Fund 2021​

SEB Nordic Equity won the award Nordic Fund of the Year by Fondmarknaden.se.

Best Swedish Corporate Bond Fund (SEK) 2020​

SEB Corporate Bond Fund SEK by Morningstar Fund Awards 2021 (award based on risk-adjusted performance over 5 years).

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We offer a wide range of products and advisory services aimed at private individuals, institutional investors and distributors. We provide broad solutions as well as niche products across asset classes such as equities, fixed income, commodities, and private equity. Find out what suits you.

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