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Annual General Meeting 2021

SEB's Annual General Meeting has been held on Tuesday, 30 March 2021. 

SEB's Chair, CEO and Chief Economist in a shareholder webstream from March 24

Due to the covid-19-pandemic and the restrictions that have been introduced to limit the spread of infection, the Board has decided that the Annual General Meeting shall be conducted without the physical presence of shareholders, proxies or third parties and that shareholders shall have the opportunity to exercise their voting rights only by postal voting in advance.

Shareholders will have the opportunity to ask questions in writing prior to the Annual General Meeting. These must be received by SEB no later than 20 March 2021 and will be answered no later than 25 March 2021. SEB will carry out a webcast with the Chair of the Board, the President and the external auditor on a 14:00 on 24 March 2021 at this webpage. In the webcast, the Chair and the President will, among other things, give their views on the past year and provide answers to questions received from Shareholders questions sent in from the shareholders, and reflect also on other questions that affect SEB and the bank's customers.

Further information about postal voting is found in the notice convening the AGM and in the form for postal voting.

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Nomination committee for 2021

According to a decision of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB's Annual General Meeting the Nomination Committee shall consist of one representative of each of the four shareholders, or group of shareholders, controlling the largest number of votes in the Bank, who wishes to appoint a representative. The names of the representatives shall be published not later than six months prior to the Annual General Meeting.

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