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The future of energy

In an exclusive interview, Atle Røren, Global Head of Energy Coverage at SEB, engages with Jarand Rystad, Founder and CEO of Rystad Energy, to explore the key trends, challenges, and innovations in the energy sector. Together, they will discuss how emerging technologies, and strategic policies can facilitate and create a sustainable energy landscape.

Part 1: Energy transition

The energy transition is not about stopping oil, gas, and coal production—it's about outcompeting them. This shift will happen through implementation of numerous of key technologies. As we track their maturity using an S-curve approach, we can see how emerging technologies will disrupt current systems.

The race to net zero will shape our planet’s future. Solar and wind are already outpacing fossil fuels, but the real challenge is speeding up their adoption. Strong policy support—through subsidies and carbon pricing—is essential. Without it, we risk falling short of the most crucial climate goals.

Part 3: Energy balance without compromising?

Can we expand renewable energy without harming nature? The key is finding a balance between protecting nature while generating the clean energy we need. - The answer lies in smart choices and innovative solutions. 

Part 4: The future ahead

Looking ahead for the next ten years, who are the key players in terms of making the investments necessary to move the transition forward? And how will the old energy systems meet the new innovations? 

Net Zero Transition

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By offering advisory services, innovative and sustainable financing and investment products, we're helping our clients to reach their sustainability targets.

Contact SEB's Energy Team

Our Energy Team, including Energy Coverage and Project & Infrastructure Finance, consists of experienced energy bankers who understand the full scope of the energy transition and its challenges. We are organised by products and geographies to best meet the needs of our Large Corporate and Financial Institution clients. 

Reach out to our Energy Team via our local home market pages

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