In accordance with a decision at the AGM on 4 April 2023, SEB has cancelled 38,738,439 Class A shares held for capital management purposes.
The share capital of SEK 21,942m is unchanged. This is because a decision was made, in conjunction with the decision to reduce the share capital by cancelling repurchased shares, to make a bonus issue, without issuing any new shares, by a transfer from non-restricted shareholders equity to share capital. As a result, the share capital was restored to the same level as before the reduction.
After the cancellation, the total number of issued shares in SEB as of 16 May 2023 amounts to 2,139,983,495, of which 2,115,830,987 are Class A shares. The total number of votes attached to the total number of issued shares is 2,118,246,237.8.
For further information, contact:
Pawel Wyszynski, Head of Investor Relations
+46 70 462 2111
Press contact:
Niklas Magnusson, Head of Media Relations & External Communication
+46 70 763 8243
SEB is a leading northern European financial services group with international reach. We exist to positively shape the future with responsible advice and capital, today and for generations to come. By partnering with our customers, we want to be a leading catalyst in the transition to a more sustainable world. In Sweden and the Baltic countries, SEB offers financial advice and a wide range of financial services. In Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany and the United Kingdom, we have a strong focus on corporate and investment banking based on a full-service offering to corporate and institutional clients. The international nature of SEB's business is reflected in our presence in more than 20 countries worldwide, with around 16,500 employees. At 31 March 2023, the Group's total assets amounted to SEK 3,802bn while assets under management totalled SEK 2,221bn. Read more about SEB at