On 15 November 2022, SEB will hold its annual sustainability event and provide an update on the progress on the bank’s ambitions and goals within the climate area.
One year ago, SEB presented new climate ambitions and goals as part of its sustainability strategy. These were complemented in October with net-zero aligned 2030 interim targets for specific sectors in the credit portfolio, as part of our commitment to the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA).
At this year’s sustainability event – Transition in Numbers: Towards Net Zero – SEB’s President and CEO Johan Torgeby will provide an update on the progress on these ambitions and goals, present the 2030 sector targets, and speak about how the bank works with its customers and key stakeholders to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society. Among the other speakers and participants are industry leaders, green entrepreneurs and renowned academics addressing the climate issue.
Media, analysts, investors and other stakeholders are invited to participate in the event, which will be broadcast digitally in English on 15 November 2022 at 13.30-17.00 CET. For more information and to register, please visit sebgroup.com/sustainability/netzerotransition, where a replay will be available afterwards. The event will be hybrid, and those who would like to participate on site at SEB’s offices in Arenastaden in Stockholm can email press@seb.se for details and accreditation.
Speakers and participants
Marcus Wallenberg, Chair of SEB’s Board of Directors
Johan Torgeby, President and CEO of SEB
Gretchen C. Daily, Bing Professor of Environmental Science at Stanford University
Professor Carl Folke, Director of The Beijer Institute at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Tomas Flodén, Chief Investment Officer & CEO at AMF Fonder
Annica Bresky, CEO of Stora Enso
Henrik Henriksson, CEO of H2 Green Steel
Kristin Magnusson Bernard, CEO of AP1
Hans Beyer, Chief Sustainability Officer at SEB
Joachim Alpen, Co-Head of Large Corporates & Financial Institutions at SEB
Markus Hökfelt, Investment Director of SEB Greentech VC
For more information about SEB’s climate ambitions and goals, visit sebgroup.com/sustainability/our-strategy/ambitions-and-goals