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FöreningsSparbanken and SEB file merger notification with EU Commission

FöreningsSparbanken and SEB file merger notification with EU Commission
FöreningsSparbanken (Swedbank) and SEB have filed the notification regarding the proposed merger between the two banks with the Commission of the European Communities. The Commission's formal investigation can thus commence.
The EU Commission's clearance is expected in the end of July, at the earliest. If the Commission calls for an extended investigation of the merger, a final clearance is expected in November, at the latest.
For further information please contact:

FöreningsSparbanken SEB
Nils-Fredrik Nyblaeus, Lars Gustafsson,
Integration officer Integration officer
telephone +46 8-5859 2532 telephone +46 8-22 19 00
Staffan Salén, Gunilla Wikman,
Head of Information and IR Head of Group Communications
telephone +46 8 5859 2779, +46 705 31 01 11 telephone +46 8 763 81 25, +46 70 763 81 25
More information on each bank is available online at www.foreningssparbanken.se and www.seb.se, and on integration planning at www.sebswedbank.aboutmerge.com.
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