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SEB Investment Management participates in Nature Action 100

SEB Investment Management participates in Nature Action 100, a global investor initiative to drive necessary actions to reverse nature and biodiversity loss.

Nature and biodiversity loss is a material financial risk. Reducing natural capital creates significant near-term operational costs for companies, threatens the supply of critical resources, and puts more than half of global GDP at risk.

SEB Investment Management is participating in Nature Action 100, a global investor-led initiative working to drive the necessary corporate action to reverse nature loss. Today, Nature Action 100 announced that 190 investor participants have kicked off direct engagement with 100 companies in key sectors around the world.

"Nature Action 100 is the first major initiative to encourage multinational companies to protect and restore nature. We hope to be able to contribute to meeting the goals from COP15 and the goals we have set in our funds on, for example, biodiversity and deforestation," says Alfred Askeljung, sustainability specialist at SEB Investment Management.

More about the initiative (natureaction100.org)

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