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SEB comments on programme on Swedish television

Wednesday 27 April, Swedish television’s Uppdrag granskning broadcasts a programme about Russia and Ukraine, where they make references to, among others, SEB and previous programmes about alleged money laundering. The programme does not entail any new information relating to the bank.

Below is the comment that SEB sent to Uppdrag granskning ahead of the programme:

“SEB condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and works actively in different ways to support those affected by the war. Our employees enable us to keep the bank in Ukraine open, and contribute to maintaining a robust financial system.

As SEB has previously communicated, also to Uppdrag granskning, the warnings in 2006 from the previous deputy chairman of Russia’s central bank were taken most seriously, and the bank acted by reporting and terminating customer relationships. SEB has taken many measures to reduce the risk of being used for money laundering, which is confirmed by the historical transactional data the bank published during the autumn of 2019 (see link).

The supervisory authorities in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden have reviewed SEB’s work against money laundering. The authorities identified areas that needed improvement but did not deem the deficiencies to be severe.”

SEB takes money laundering and other financial crime very seriously. We do our utmost to counter the risk of the bank being used for criminal purposes and communicate continuously about our work to strengthen and develop SEB’s abilities to prevent, detect and report suspected money laundering. Read more about SEB’s work to counter money laundering and other financial crime here.