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Kristian Skovmand new member of extended GEC

Kristian Skovmand

Kristian Skovmand, head of Investment Banking, has been appointed member of the extended Group Executive Committee.

"Investment banking is an important part of SEB's core business, and from now on it will also be directly represented in the bank's senior management. Loan and capital market financing, advice and research are all key areas in fulfilling our ambition to become a leading northern European corporate and investment bank. Therefore, I am happy that Kristian will now strengthen the executive management team," says Johan Torgeby.

Kristian Skovmand was born and raised in Denmark but has spent most of his career outside the country. He has a long track record within investment banking, including 15 years at Morgan Stanley during which he held various senior roles in London, Hong Kong, Mumbai and Stockholm.

In 2017, he joined SEB as deputy head of Large Corporates & Financial Institutions in Denmark. Since January 2020, he has been head of Investment Banking at SEB.

Investment Banking gathers product areas that focus on advice for corporate transactions, capital markets and loan financing, as well as the equities business, which includes, sales, trading and research. In all, it encompasses more than 400 employees located in Stockholm and the international offices. Kristian Skovmand will continue to report to Joachim Alpen and Jonas Ahlström and be part of the LC&FI management team.

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