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Johan Torgeby on the attack on Ukraine

“It is dismay that we can conclude that the concerns of the world are now becoming a reality”.  Johan Torgeby comments on the development of events in Ukraine.

"The news about Russia’s military attack on its neighboring country Ukraine was not unexpected. The turn of events has undoubtedly developed in this direction but still, it is with dismay that we can conclude that the concerns of the world are now becoming a reality.

We join the United Nations and a large part of the governments around the world as they condemn Russia’s actions. These acts are in violation of international laws and commitments.

Let me also express my deepest compassion with our colleagues in Kyiv, as well as with the citizens of Ukraine. We are closely following the developments and are taking action to the best of our abilities to care for our employees and our customers".

About our operations in Ukraine:

SEB's business in Ukraine are aimed at serving the bank’s northern European corporate customers with operations in the country. It is based in Kiev and has about 50 employees.