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Here is the winner of ‘Tech Talent of the Year’

On Friday, Celine Helgesson Hallström was crowned the winner of the Tech Talent of the Year competition, which is arranged in collaboration with the employer branding company Universum. Celine studies machine learning at KTH and her passion is to explore the possibilities of machine learning within the sustainability area.

Universum organizes the annual Student of the Year competition together with a couple of Sweden's leading companies, where this year's students are nominated in different categories. SEB is the sponsor of the Techtalang of the Year category, which is awarded from the second year.

In mid-February, a "case week" was arranged where the ten semi-finalists were given the task of solving a challenge using data in the Google Cloud platform. They were given access to a large data set and were asked to investigate how the pandemic has affected various companies and industries from both an economic and a sustainability perspective.

The talent who showed the most impressive final presentation was Celine Helgesson Hallström from KTH, who in her application described her passion for machine learning and how it can be applied to different areas of sustainability work - "everything from developing technical solutions, to helping us identify patterns and enable more informed decisions ”.

The jury, which included Petra Ålund, head of Technology, motivates the choice as follows:

“The person we at SEB named Tech Talent of the Year 2022 had good arguments, reflections and logical conclusions, and made full use of the data that was available. In addition, the person was active throughout the case week and a good companion to his competitors.

As the winner of the Techt Talent of the Year, Celine will receive an eight-week Summer Tech Internship at SEB during the summer of 2022, as well as the support of a mentor for a period of one year. Celine will also work as a role model and ambassador for young people interested in IT.

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