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SEB’s fund company joins investor initiative for raised climate ambitions

More than 450 investors, among them SEB Investment Management, are now calling on government leaders to raise their ambitions regarding tackling climate change. The initiative is launched the day before the G7 summit in Cornwall in the U.K.

The global investor initiative “Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis” has been launched by the seven organisations AIGCC, CDP, Ceres, IGCC, IIGCC, PRI and UNEP FI, who together form The Investor Agenda. The purpose with the cooperation is to influence and put pressure on nations regarding the climate challenges we face.  More than 450 investors from around the world, with combined assets of more than 41 trillion dollars, have signed the investor initiative.

To limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures, societies and companies must reduce global net carbon dioxide emissions by 45 percent compared to 2010 levels by 2030 at the latest, with a dramatic reduction of all greenhouse gas emissions essential for reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. Key to this is ensuring government leaders support sustainable COVID-19 economic recovery efforts consistent with net-zero emissions. 

Photo: Elisabet Jamal Bergström
Elisabet Jamal Bergström

“To reach the targets in the Paris Agreement, all stakeholders in society must contribute and cooperate. Companies play a very important role, but the plans and goals that states set are crucial when it comes to steering us towards the goals in the Paris Agreement, says Elisabet Jamal Bergström, Head of Sustainability and Governance at SEB Investment Management.

As an asset manager, SEB Investment Management wants to contribute to sustainable development and the fulfillment of the Paris Agreement by investing in companies and other assets that, in turn, contribute to this. SEB Investment Managements overreaching goal is to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the global economy, and that the fund company’s total capital should be invested carbon neutrally by 2040, or 10 years before the overreaching global target regarding global warming.

Read more about SEB Investment Management’s sustainability work here: Our sustainability approach | SEB (sebgroup.com)

Read more about the global initiative ”Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis” on The Investor Agenda’s website: The Investor Agenda | Accelerating action for a net-zero emissions economy

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