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Investor initiative encourages companies in Myanmar to protect human rights

Together with 76 other institutional investors, SEB’s fund management company SEB Investment Management has joined an investor initiative that encourages companies with operations in Myanmar to ensure that human rights are protected and that through their operations the companies do not support the military regime.

SEB Investment Management has stakes in a handful of multinational companies which through collaborations, subsidiaries or partnerships have operations in Myanmar. A key component of SEB Investment Management’s sustainability work and sustainability policy is active ownership and protection of human rights.

Photo: Elisabet Jamal Bergström
Elisabet Jamal Bergström

“The investor initiative is a way of clarifying expectations on the companies in which we invest,” explains Elisabet Jamal Bergström, Head of Sustainability, Governance and Staff, SEB Investment Management. 

The 77 institutional investors who have signed the initiative manage a total of EUR 3,000 billion. 

The challenge for the companies is to do what they can to identify their risks in the current situation, take action to protect their staff and as far as possible combat human rights violations. 

Photo: Patrik Jönsson
Patrik Jönsson

“As investors we assume that the companies in which we invest follow international norms and conventions. Through the initiative we can draw attention to and influence the companies concerned which operate in the country,” says Patrik Jönsson, Senior Sustainability & Engagement Specialist, SEB Investment Management. 


Read more about SEB Investment Management’s sustainability work and policy on the investment management company's website