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“We support our customers in these challenging times”

SEB’s President and CEO Johan Torgeby gives an update on the socioeconomic effects of the corona crisis and the bank’s actions to support its customers.

"I want to give three examples of what we are doing at the moment. First, we see an increased credit demand. During the last month we have processed credit requests that amount to around 120 billion Swedish kronor. That is twice the volume that we would to typically do during a full year."

"Secondly, we now offer the possibility for households to digitally apply for an amortisation grace period for mortgages to households in need of additional liquidity."

"Thirdly we have experienced a nearly 30 per cent increase in incoming calls and other customer interactions and those are very much related to the corona situation".

Johan Torgeby emphasises that SEB has a socially critical function and a responsibility to provide a functioning payment system and to support its customers with advice and financing based on their unique needs.

You can hear more reflections from Johan Torgeby in the film below, which was recorded for SEB's employees.

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