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SEB deepens cooperation with Ownershift

SEB cooperates as part of our sustainability work with the thinktank Ownershift, which recently resulted in a campaign aiming to contribute to increased female ownership. We will now deepen that cooperation through a long-term sponsorship spanning the coming three years. The money will be used to develop and broaden Ownershift’s operations.

“We have followed Ownershift’s activities for some time now and want to contribute to their continued and important work to increase the knowledge about what ownership in Sweden actually looks like”, says Sara Öhrvall, Chief Digital, Customer Experience and Communications Officer at SEB. “Through a fact-based annual report, in close cooperation with researchers, Ownershift contributes to a sound discussion about how we together can create equal prerequisites for economic welfare and female ownership. We are proud to now, together with Ownershift, invest long-term in that social development.”

At SEB, we are convinced that when women and men have the same opportunities to reach their full potential, the world will not only become fairer – it will also see greater success and become more sustainable. With increased knowledge about female ownership and savings, we want to highlight what the current ownership structure in Sweden looks like and give all individuals greater ownership over their own life choices.

“We want to see a marked increase in the number of owneresses in Sweden within our lifetime, and SEB’s investment in the Ownershift movement will contribute”, says Charlotte Sundåker, co-founder of Ownershift.

“Through our dialog with SEB and our work with their campaign Why Women Don’t Own, we have gained faith in their long-term approach and genuineness regarding the importance of female ownership as a foundation for an equal and sustainable society”, says Linda Waxin, co-founder of Ownershift. “This sponsorship, where SEB invests and makes its expertise available, means we’ll achieve an even greater impact in a shorter period of time.”

To read more about SEB’s campaign Why Women Don’t Own, which was developed with the help of Ownershift’s reports, visit: seb.se/financial-equality-eng

About Ownershift

Ownershift is a politically independent think tank with the purpose of substantially increasing the proportion of female owners within our lifetime. Increased female ownership will result in giving women greater power over their own life choices while at the same time making society more equal. Diversity among those who own creates diversity among those who make decisions, which leads to better societies for all.

For more information about Ownershift, please contact Elin Hammarberg, head of communications, at +46-73-444 34 46.

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