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SEB to sell minority shareholding in LR Realkredit A/S to Nykredit Realkredit A/S

Today, SEB and the other owner banks have entered into an agreement to sell Danish mortgage credit institution LR Realkredit A/S to Nykredit Realkredit A/S.

In connection with the acquisition of Codan Bank back in 1999, SEB took over a shareholding in LR Realkredit. It is this minority shareholding that amounts to 11.63 per cent, which SEB has entered into an agreement to sell to Nykredit Realkredit A/S for 302.3 million Danish kroner.

The sale is subject to the approval of the relevant authorities and has an insignificant effect on SEB earnings.

For further information please contact:

Frank Hojem, Head of Media Relations

+46(0)8 763 9947


Christoffer Geijer, Head of Investor Relations

+46(0)8 763 8318


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