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SEB to advise on Swedish government green bond issue

The Swedish National Debt Office has appointed SEB as special adviser for a green bond issue due next year. The money borrowed will be linked to selected budget expenditures for green investments and projects.

"This is confirmation of the expertise and experience that we have built up in the field of green bonds and confirms our leadership role," says Hans Beyer, head of Financial Institutions Coverage at SEB.

As part of the preparations, the Swedish National Debt Office, together with the Government Offices, will develop a framework for that bond, which must state, among other things, what expenditures in the state budget are defined as green. SEB's mission is to consult throughout the process, from the development of the framework to the implementation of the issue.

The Debt Office's press release states that the adviser has been appointed in consultation with the Government Offices.

"The main criteria that underpinned the selection were expertise and experience in green bond issues, as well as good knowledge of Sweden's environmental and climate policy and government borrowing," the press release states.

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