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The Swedish government highlights SEB’s microfinance funds in New York

SEB's microfinance funds will be shown as a good example of how Sweden works for Agenda 2030 and to achieve the UN's Sustainability Development Goals. The presentation is made when representatives of the Swedish government presents a report at the UN Financing for Development Forum in New York, 22 to 25 May.

The conference is about the implementation of the financing framework of Addis Ababa Action Agenda, decided in 2015, which is an important puzzle for successfully implementing Agenda 2030.

At the meeting, Sweden presents a report (Towards Achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals) with examples of activities in different sectors that link to commitments in the agenda. The report aims to show the need for operational implementation, to give concrete examples of what Swedish business, public institutions and organisations already do today.

SEB's microfinance funds are thus one of the few business examples highlighted in the report, and at a seminar at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Stockholm last Friday, Viktor Andersson, fund manager at SEB Investment Management, presented the concept of the microfinance funds and what impact they have.

"I am very pleased that SEB’s microfinance funds are highlighted as a positive example from Sweden. This clearly shows that business really contributes to Agenda 2030”, says Viktor Andersson.

Sweden is regarded as a country with high sustainability ambitions.  “By showcasing a selection of operational examples, we hope to engage stakeholders and trigger a movement towards a more action-oriented dialogue in various national and international fora, such as the Financing for Development Forum”, writes the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

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