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SEB ranked best bank by financial institutions in the Nordics

SEB climbs to first place in Prospera’s annual customer satisfaction survey among financial institutions in the Nordic region. ”I am immensely proud of our collective achievement. This is the result you see when the product and customer organisation cooperate and deliver bespoke services to our customers”, says Joachim Alpen, co-head of division Large Corporates and Financial Institutions.

Prospera’s customer survey among large corporates was presented in early December and showed that SEB was making significant progress. The new survey among financial institutions shows the same positive trend.

The survey is based on responses from a total of 205 financial institutions in the Nordic region, of which the 90 largest are classified as Tier 1. SEB's rating goes from 3.61 to 3.75 among all institutions and from 3.73 to 3.85 among the very largest. This means that the bank now climbs to number one in both categories. At the same time customer satisfaction among the most important competitors is decreasing.

Looking at the different sub-criteria’s SEB ranks number one in terms of personal contacts, industry knowledge, service level and coordinated offering. The areas in which SEB scores relatively lower include proactivity and relevant focus

Sustainability is a new criterion included from this year’s survey and SEB is ranked best in this parameter. 

Read more: Customer satisfaction rising among large companies

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