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Upgraded mobile banking in Estonia and Lithuania

SEB last month launched upgraded mobile banking services in Estonia and Lithuania. The new services work well for both smartphones and tablet computers such as the iPad.

Customers can reach the new mobile bank both through apps for Android and Apple’s iOS operating system, or directly through a web browser on their mobile devices. The new mobile bank offers improved design and navigation, as well as some new functionality.

For example, customers can now get a quick overview of recent transactions, including account balances and information about how they are doing compared to the monthly budget in SEB’s financial planner tool. They can also find information about bank cards in a separate menu where user can see their balances and limits.

SEB is working to achieve better integration between units in the three Baltic countries in many areas, including consolidating IT systems where possible. The mobile bank is one such project.

“The first milestone of the project is now done as our mobile banking sites are updated for smart phones and tablets in Estonia and Lithuania,” says Ragnar Toomla, head of e-Channels in the Baltic division.

He says that although the main changes in the new version are technological, the project team focused also on improving the user experience as SEB aims to have the best Internet banking services in the Baltic markets.

Latvia was not involved in the project due to an upcoming replacement of a core system.

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