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How can you as a client prepare for transition?

An overview of the general areas needed to be acted on/considered in the Benchmark reform (not exhaustive)

What is SEB doing?

SEB will actively transition existing impacted contracts to alternative reference rates before due cessation dates.


This page has been compiled by SEB Large Corporates & Financial Institutions, a division within Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (“SEB”) to provide background information only.

Opinions, projections and estimates contained in this report represent the author’s present opinion and are subject to change without notice. Although information contained in this report has been compiled in good faith from sources believed to be reliable, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made with respect to its correctness, completeness or accuracy of the contents, and the information is not to be relied upon as authoritative. To the extent permitted by law, SEB accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from use of this page or its contents. The analysis and valuations, projections and forecasts contained in this report are based on a number of assumptions and estimates and are subject to contingencies and uncertainties; different assumptions could result in materially different results. The inclusion of any such valuations, projections and forecasts should not be regarded as a representation or warranty by or on behalf of the SEB Group or any person or entity within the SEB Group that such valuations, projections and forecasts or their underlying assumptions and estimates will be met or realised.

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